End Game

SEGMENT ONE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. ADVERTISEMENT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Domination (24)

CONVICTIONS We get a shot of The Bro’s back as he stands at an intersection of hallways.  He turns to face the camera, revealing that his arm is still in a sling after Jerry David’s attack on him a few weeks ago.  He holds the microphone up to his mouth and somehow manages to speak […]

Domination (23)

WRESTLING IS DEAD Published in October 2022. Wrestling, as we know it, is dead. Jerry Watkins, the overlord of the wrestling industry, has gone to prison and the UWE, his global conglomerate, is no more. Covid-19, the subsequent economic crisis and a lack of interest spanning decades are just some of the reasons why many […]

Domination (22)

VISITING HOURS (MORNING) Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Beverly Hills, California March 10, 2024 11.30AM “Man, I can’t believe y’all makin’ me stay home instead of bein’ there! That’s straight bullshit, fam!” “Sorry, Ange…we wish you could be here too…but we can’t run any risks…” “Man, what’chu talkin’ ’bout, ‘risks‘? I’m over here getting ready to go […]

Domination (21)

ONE PERCENT “Gracias, señor.” Crusader X, wearing street clothes, steps out of an Uber and slings his bag over his shoulder. “X!  Hello.” Steve Blaine’s voice sounds from offscreen. “Mr. Blaine!  Good to see you back,” X responds. “Do you have the time for a few questions?” Blaine asks. X smiles.  “Absolutely.  Fire away.” “You […]

Domination (20)

THE BATTLE DELAYED Several Weeks ago… First had come the limousine. It had arrived outside the arena as Son of Malta was leaving, still sore and bruised from his battle with Dream. Personally delivered from an anonymous source. Eventually, curiosity overcame his suspicion. And he allowed himself to be taken to the hotel. Five stars, […]

The Last Laugh

WHO WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH?   “WELCOME TO THE GLOBE, WELCOME TO LOS ANGELES, AND WELCOME TO…THE LAST LAUGH,” the now-familiar booming voice of Lucas Quinn announces as fans are treated to the sight of fireworks and a rather raucous crowd ready for GLOBAL’s fourth outing on pay-per-view, and the first of Season Two. […]


THINK VERY CAREFULLY… GLOBAL President and CEO, Giovanni Ferrari, is sat at the head of a long table with his hair slicked back.  He has his hands interlocked and, upon receiving a countdown, adjusts his tie before taking a breath and then addressing the GLOBAL Nation at home. A caption reminds the viewers of Giovanni’s […]


A DIFFERENT LEGEND No music, no fanfare. The Global Champion, Sean Darring, swiftly and quietly descends to the ring, an unplanned and unannounced intrusion. The announcers haven’t even completed their preparations for the opening when Sean Darring asserts himself, demanding a microphone before the night’s proceedings officially kick off. “I’ve been in this business for […]


SHOW ME ON THE TEDDY EXACTLY WHICH OF HIS LEGS YOU’D LIKE TO BREAK Undisclosed LocationPre-Domination 15 Beneath the light of a single lightbulb, the teddy bear of Jerry David sits on an old wooden chair, his arms and legs bound to the chair with rope, an apple duct tape to his mouth. In the […]