Truth Control
Truth Control
Name: Washington (first name undisclosed)
Height: 6ft3
Weight: 250lbs
Hometown: Washington DC
Alignment: Heel
Style: Brawler/Striker/Submission
Detainment (Kimura)
Welcome to America (Lariat – solo or in stereo with Lincoln)
Signature moves:
Knee strikes
Elbow strikes
Leg sweep
Back body drop
Hip toss
Double knee takedown
Single knee takedown
Chop block
Knee bar
Sleeper hold
Cross arm breaker
Grounded headscissors
Curb stomp (street fighting version not Seth Rollins version)
Low blows and shortcuts, but of the kind you would use in a real fight, not the
cheap/chickenshit type.
Lack of scruples / Ruthlessness
Rapport with partner
Sadistic streak, leading to often unnecessarily drawn-out beatdowns and spells of offence, and occasional loss of focus
Short temper, especially with his partner
The voice of command within the team, though he will always defer to John Truth when their views or strategies differ. Has almost complete control over his partner, who listens to him unconditionally.
Dos and Don’ts when writing your character
DO have him cackle in sadistic glee during beatdowns
DO have him be quite vocal and trash talk or make fun of opponents during matches
DO have him draw out beatdowns and spells of offence in the name of sadistic enjoyment
DO have him call the shots with Lincoln, but also DO have him defer to John Truth when applicable
DO have him strategize in the heat of battle, unless Truth is already doing so
DO have him exhibit impeccable chemistry with his partner
DO have him wrestle a hybrid style as described above
DO NOT have him risk any other style outside of the above
DO NOT have him directly disobey an order from Truth, though he may contest it
Beliefs, Values and Desires: Truth, justice and the American way.
Appearance: Lean, yet muscular. Long, beak-like nose. Receding hairline. Goatee. Pinched expression. Sadistic smirk.
Entrance Theme: Stars and Stripes Forever
Last edited by pdbnb on Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Agent Lincoln
Name: Lincoln (first name undisclosed)
Height: 6ft6
Weight: 300lbs
Hometown: Washington, DC
Alignment: Heel
Style: Striker/Powerhouse
Deportation (Running Powerslam)
Welcome to America (Lariat – solo or in stereo with Lincoln)
Signature moves:
Elbow strikes
Football tackle
Shoulder tackle
Single knee takedown
Double knee takedown
Big boot
Corner splash
Fall away slam
Scoop slam
Sidewalk slam
Belly-to-back suplex
Tilt-a-whirl powerslam backbreaker
Pain threshold
Rapport with partner
Lack of scruples / Ruthlessness
Occasionally slow to react
Low intelligence
Over-reliance on instructions as opposed to independent decision-making, leading to incorrect approaches if left to his own devices
The strong, silent half of the team. Defers to Washington or John Truth on most occasions.
Dos and Don’ts when writing your character
DO have him pummel and ragdoll opponents and delight in it
DO have him exhibit excellent chemistry with Washington
DO have him make occasional errors in judgement
DO NOT have him wrestle a technical style.
DO NOT have him contest or disobey instructions
Beliefs, Values and Desires: Truth, justice and the American way.
Appearance: Muscular, broad-shouldered, football player physique, short-cropped dark hair and a goatee.
Entrance Theme: Stars and Stripes Forever
Name: Lincoln (first name undisclosed)
Height: 6ft6
Weight: 300lbs
Hometown: Washington, DC
Alignment: Heel
Style: Striker/Powerhouse
Deportation (Running Powerslam)
Welcome to America (Lariat – solo or in stereo with Lincoln)
Signature moves:
Elbow strikes
Football tackle
Shoulder tackle
Single knee takedown
Double knee takedown
Big boot
Corner splash
Fall away slam
Scoop slam
Sidewalk slam
Belly-to-back suplex
Tilt-a-whirl powerslam backbreaker
Pain threshold
Rapport with partner
Lack of scruples / Ruthlessness
Occasionally slow to react
Low intelligence
Over-reliance on instructions as opposed to independent decision-making, leading to incorrect approaches if left to his own devices
The strong, silent half of the team. Defers to Washington or John Truth on most occasions.
Dos and Don’ts when writing your character
DO have him pummel and ragdoll opponents and delight in it
DO have him exhibit excellent chemistry with Washington
DO have him make occasional errors in judgement
DO NOT have him wrestle a technical style.
DO NOT have him contest or disobey instructions
Beliefs, Values and Desires: Truth, justice and the American way.
Appearance: Muscular, broad-shouldered, football player physique, short-cropped dark hair and a goatee.
Entrance Theme: Stars and Stripes Forever
John J. Truth
Name: John J. Truth
Height: 6ft1
Weight: 200lbs (when in shape)
Hometown: Classified
Alignment: Heel
Style: Brawler/Striker
Additional Description
Truth Hurts - Unprettier
Signature moves:
The Boot of Truth – Running big boot
The Sting of Truth - Cobra
Punches (all types)
Push kick
Leg / calf kicks
Running punt
Clothesline (standing, running, off the ropes)
Rolling elbow
Diving elbow
Running shoulder block
Chop block
Knee strikes
Russian leg sweep
Drop toe hold
Arm wringer
Lung blower
Head to turnbuckle shots
Standing crossface
Cheap shots (eye poke, eye rake, back rake, etc.)
Decent power in his strikes
Desperation instinct
Quick thinking on the spot
Literally paranoid
Quick to anger
Tendency to cheat
Distrust of almost everyone on the planet
Out of shape, openly drinks and smokes
Will often look around with a terrified, bug-eyed look.
Will try to scan random members of the audience and every opponent with his Truth Radar, a homemade gizmo that looks like a walkie-talkie with a rotating satellite dish on top.
Dos and Don’ts when writing your character
DO have him give opponents side-eye.
DO have him try to 'scan' them with his gizmo.
DO have him look around terrified at random moments and for no reason.
DO have him walk/run away from the match after doing this (though not in every match)
DO have him address the fans mid-match about conspiracy theories.
DO have him try to dodge away from matches before they are booked.
DO have him liberally use low blows.
DO NOT have him trust any partner or opponent.
DO NOT have him delay pins to show off.
DO NOT have him gloat.
DO NOT have him beg off - he is a proud, knife-in-his-teeth type of fighter until spooked as per above.
Beliefs, Values and Desires:
He is a conspiranoid. Everything you can think of that people usually roll their eyes and laugh at, John believes – and spreads in his podcast.
Not much is known about the man calling himself John Truth, whose medical records are still classified after several years' treatment in a state psychiatric facility.
He is estimated to be somewhere in his 40s, and is believed to reside around the Seattle area. It is also said he finished with his woman because she couldn't help him with his mind, and that people think he's insane because he is frowning all the time.
Appearance: A dishevelled, unkempt middle-aged man with greasy, receding dark-brown hair, several-day stubble and a definite beer paunch, scowling his way through life. Usually seen in shabby, stained clothes – normally denims, flannels, tank tops and combat boots.
Entrance Music: Paranoid (Black Sabbath)
Height: 6ft1
Weight: 200lbs (when in shape)
Hometown: Classified
Alignment: Heel
Style: Brawler/Striker
Additional Description
Truth Hurts - Unprettier
Signature moves:
The Boot of Truth – Running big boot
The Sting of Truth - Cobra
Punches (all types)
Push kick
Leg / calf kicks
Running punt
Clothesline (standing, running, off the ropes)
Rolling elbow
Diving elbow
Running shoulder block
Chop block
Knee strikes
Russian leg sweep
Drop toe hold
Arm wringer
Lung blower
Head to turnbuckle shots
Standing crossface
Cheap shots (eye poke, eye rake, back rake, etc.)
Decent power in his strikes
Desperation instinct
Quick thinking on the spot
Literally paranoid
Quick to anger
Tendency to cheat
Distrust of almost everyone on the planet
Out of shape, openly drinks and smokes
Will often look around with a terrified, bug-eyed look.
Will try to scan random members of the audience and every opponent with his Truth Radar, a homemade gizmo that looks like a walkie-talkie with a rotating satellite dish on top.
Dos and Don’ts when writing your character
DO have him give opponents side-eye.
DO have him try to 'scan' them with his gizmo.
DO have him look around terrified at random moments and for no reason.
DO have him walk/run away from the match after doing this (though not in every match)
DO have him address the fans mid-match about conspiracy theories.
DO have him try to dodge away from matches before they are booked.
DO have him liberally use low blows.
DO NOT have him trust any partner or opponent.
DO NOT have him delay pins to show off.
DO NOT have him gloat.
DO NOT have him beg off - he is a proud, knife-in-his-teeth type of fighter until spooked as per above.
Beliefs, Values and Desires:
He is a conspiranoid. Everything you can think of that people usually roll their eyes and laugh at, John believes – and spreads in his podcast.
Not much is known about the man calling himself John Truth, whose medical records are still classified after several years' treatment in a state psychiatric facility.
He is estimated to be somewhere in his 40s, and is believed to reside around the Seattle area. It is also said he finished with his woman because she couldn't help him with his mind, and that people think he's insane because he is frowning all the time.
Appearance: A dishevelled, unkempt middle-aged man with greasy, receding dark-brown hair, several-day stubble and a definite beer paunch, scowling his way through life. Usually seen in shabby, stained clothes – normally denims, flannels, tank tops and combat boots.
Entrance Music: Paranoid (Black Sabbath)